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New to veganism?

It can seem overwhelming or even impossible 
but we are here to help. 

Let's start together!

Going vegan for beginners

Everything you need to know. 

1. What does being a vegan mean?

Being Vegan is more than just a dietary choice. It runs much deeper than that. For many, it's a lifestyle where conscious decisions have been to ensure many facets of your life are plant based and cruelty free. 

2. Why should you go vegan?

There are many benefits that may make you consider veganism!

A vegan lifestyle can contribute to the reduction of animal harm and exploitation. Choosing to be plant based is a small decision one can make to make a world of difference to the well being of other life forms.
It’s an open secret that many forms of animal agriculture pollute the environment in many ways through pollution and greenhouse gases while being intensive on our finite fresh-water supplies. A plant-based lifestyle can reduce your impact on the environment.
A plant based diet may improve your health by means of lowering the change of heart-related issues and cholesterol. Generally this is the case. However keep an eye out for processed vegan foods and ensure your nutrient supplementation needs are met. This is where True comes in!

3. Top tips for going vegan

Changing your diet to vegan can be quite challenging at first but here are some tips we want to share to help your transition smoother.

1. Plan your meals. It could be a great idea to plan your meals. This is an easy way to stay on track.
2. Make sure your meals are easy or stock up. Easy meals are also often key to ensure you stay on track. Getting used to a new style of cooking often is an issue for many. A great way to combat this is to stock up vegan friendly foods and snacks too. There are some amazing and easy homemade recipes available for snacks that will last you a very long time. 
3. Transition slowly. Quite often, hard transitions don’t last. You’ll find yourself craving old habits and not sticking to them. With a slow transition, you ease into new habits where you can stick to them. 
4. Learn. Understand your plant based nutritional needs. Quite often, there is a need to understand what your deficiencies may be. Understanding this is key to sticking to a plant based diet.  
5. Supplement what you lack. A lot of people wonder what supplements they should take when they are vegan. It is a good idea to have your blood tests done. For 100% of daily essentials, we recommend checking our Multi-Vitamin, Multi-Mineral and Algae Oil

4. Protein

Protein is a common concern for many plant-based newcomers. However, it’s definitely possible to get sufficient protein from a plant-based diet. Your protein requirements generally depend on individual factors. However some of the following are great high-protein foods
  • Lentils, 
  • Chickpeas, 
  • Beans, 
  • Tofu, 
  • Tempeh, 
  • Vegan Protein Powder, 
  • Seitan, 
  • Hemp Seeds, 
  • Chia Seeds, 
  • Flax Seeds, 
  • Nut Butters, 
  • Brown Rice, 
  • Quinoa

5. D0 vegans need to take supplements?

Vegans can get most of the necessary vitamins and minerals through food if they have a well-balanced diet. However, some supplements may be necessary. True has crafted a range tailored for this need.

It’s recommended that you consult with your doctor as to whether a plant based diet works best for you. Often they will be best to consider your needs on a case by case basis. However, the following are some of the most common vitamins and mineral short falls in a plant based diet.

- Vitamin B12
Most vegans need to take a B12 supplement. Some foods are fortified with B12, such as certain brands of nutritional yeast and plant-based milks, however it is difficult to get enough B12 from fortified foods.

- Vitamin D3
It is difficult to get enough vitamin D through foods, whether you are vegan or not. A lot of people are deficient in vitamin D and have no idea, which is why it’s recommended a blood test may be needed. You may get enough vitamin D from a sunny climate, but it’s good to check just in case. Keep in mind that most vitamin D3 pills are not vegan. True has ensured all their vitamins are vegan friendly. 

- Omega-3 fatty acids
There are three essential types of omega-3 fatty acids: ALA, EPA, and DHA. ALA can be obtained through several plant-based foods such as walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp seeds.
ALA is converted into EPA and DHA in the body, but the conversion rate is low (from 0.1 to 10%). Algae Oil is the only plant-based omega-3 that has the same benefit as the marine-based omega-3s. This has been made available with True’s Algae Oil.

- Iron
You can get plenty of iron on a plant-based diet, but many people are iron-deficient even on an omnivore diet, so it’s a good idea to get your iron checked in a blood test.
Even though you will likely get plenty of iron through vegan foods, some people don’t absorb it well, so you may need to supplement. But again, you’ll have to get a blood test to know for sure. To increase the absorption of iron, consume it with foods that are high in vitamin C.

To ensure that you are getting adequate amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, you may want to take a daily True’s Multi-Vitamin and Multi-Mineral

6. Share the message with compassion

Remember to always offer compassion to all individuals, plant-based or not. Be open and honest in answering questions. Lead by example, and avoid pressuring others or making them feel inadequate. 
Those that are inspired will eventually follow.
We know this journey can be hard, challenging and even be lonely but know that we are here with you, by you, to walk on this journey together. Let's be true to ourselves with #truevegan

Thank you for reading!

We would love to hear your story with veganism and sustainability. 

Feel free to get in touch! 

- True team